By Sweet Home Safety Nets | Call 9606775555

What is the price per SQFT?
Standard rates in the sector range from Rs. 18 to 24 per square foot, although in reality, rates are inversely correlated with quantity. However, all prices vary from customer to client. If the square footage is more, rates will be reduced by up to 50%. If the quantity is significantly smaller we will charge accordingly. Consider working with us for improved quality and measurement transparency with service guarantees.
What about Quality?
We are at the top of the list because we prioritise providing High Quality nets, something we have been doing for the past 14 years. Quality is a factor on which we never skimp. We only buy products from reputable brands that adhere to ISO standards and have been thoroughly tested. We primarily work with transparent nets, tough ropes, and garware. You may depend on us completely for quality.
What Makes Sweet Home Safety Nets Reliable?
With its roots in Bangalore, Sweet Home Safety Nets has since grown to include branches in Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Kerala, Vijayawada, and even all over Karnataka. You may trust us because of these things.
Serving the Sector for Two Decades
We only utilise ISO Brand Materials.
Warranty and Post Service Bill will be supplied.
• As wholesalers, we are providing at a lower price.
Having a knowledgeable, experienced crew that has also received individual insurance and vaccinations.
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